
The creation of 3D models purely with Open-Source-Software is challenging.

3D Modeling in general has quite a learning curve. I’m sure this is the case for many “casual” 3D modelers like myself. I’ve often created a model and continued working on it a year later - in the meantime forgetting all the details of the process.

But over the years I’ve found an approach that works well for me. In the following I’ll decribe my workflow for

in order to help myself and others. The approach is also the basis for a number of my other projects.


Following the steps of this guide we will be able to create a textured, rotating sphere of the earth.



My first attempts to create 3D models were for modifying games. Over the years I’ve found an approach and a set of tools to create 3D models, to texture them, to display and manipulate them in the simulation that works for me.

Tool Selection

The first time I tried 3D modeling I had seen custom content on the internet that could be downloaded for Electronic Arts Racing game “Need For Speed III”. Naturally I wanted to build my own custom cars.

Little did I know, at that time, that you need a whole host of software applications.

The process can be borken up into:

Each using different tools.

Creating 3D meshes

For the mesh creation I’ve tried a number of applications, but have settled for the simple to use OpenSCAD for almost all my 3D modeling needs.


During my first attempts to create 3D models for games there was a freeware application “CarCad” [1] that I tried to use. With it you could move vertices of wireframes. The best I achieved was a box on skies.


From there I tried Milkshape3D [2]. That application was worlds apart in terms of capabilities and features. I was able to model a car, but never got it to work in the game.


For a brief period I tried a professional tool, “Autodesk AutoCAD”, but found it so involved that I ultimately gave up.


Then I found “SketchUp” and for the first time it was possible to intuitivly create a cube and pull it to size by clicking and pulling. From there it was literally childs play to combine three dimensional shapes. It was effectivly a true 3D “What you see, is what you get” application. For texturing you only had to drag and drop a texture onto a plane. That application was perfect apart from being difficult to set accurate measurements. Then Google bought it. The freeware vanished and it’s only available for free in a limited online version.


With the advent of affordable 3D printing in the 2010s I came into contact with OpenSCAD. This is so far the best 3D modeling application I’ve used. It’s a free and open-source, free of BS application that lets you describe your object. If you’re a programmer this is a highly effective and simple way of 3D modeling. It is unbelievable how simple things could have been all along.

It’s extremly fast and intuitive to 3D model, when you can simply describe what you want and the software follows the description.

In OpenScad you can even use variables, functions and modules like in any computer program to make code reusablere. The textural descriptions are easy and efficient to store in Git-Code-Repos.

For the first time it’s possible for a novice to quickly and easily create a 3D model without having to deal with complicated user interfaces that take years to learn.

You want a cube? Write “cube” and specify its dimensions.


You want to move that cube? Write “translate” and specify the direction

You want to rotate? You write “rotate” and the angles.

With the use of variables you can reuse the code.

I’ve made entire 3D models of multi story buildings by drawing *.svg Vector graphics, loading it into OpenSCAD and extruding it.

You can even use the $t variable that changes over time to make animations (see solar system animation)

But what OpenSCAD doesn’t do is texturing. You can set colours though.

Creating Textures

In order to “colour” (=texture) a 3D model you need to create texture graphics.

The process goes hand in hand with applying the textures. As you need to visualize your edits to the texture images on the 3D model as you are creating the texture image


For creating the texture graphics I use Gimp. It is free, works well and supports layers, magic lasso selection, colour picker and paint bucket that are essential to effectively create texture images.

Applying Textures

In order to apply the texture to a 3D model the one tool I could never get around is Blender.


Blender has a steep learning curve due to a huge amount of features, an unintuitive interface and a plethora of bugs. It is still one of the best 3D applications and it’s incredible what professionals can do with it.

Game changing for me was when I found out that it could be scripted in Python. Finally I was able to tell the application what to do in a reproducable way. This is important as in Blender even menus appear, don’t appear or dissappear forever depending in what order you carry out actions. You need to take notes of the order of every button press you make to be able to reproduce anything. There are buttons on the user interface that you wouldn’t even visually identify as buttons. Who would have thought that you can set an image file under “base colour”? There are hidden menues everywhere and some vital details pop up in different corners of the screen every time you use it. If you had a small screen you’d likely see it, but then the interface probably wouldn’t display properly either. By the time you learn it they release a new version (2.8 to 3.5) and you have to relearn everything.

However, with much practice, I was able to texture a 3D model of the Earth and properly align the texture. For simple meshes such as spheres it may be faster to create them in Blender directly instead of using OpenScad as I’ll show below. However for more complicated meshes it is much easier to create the mesh in OpenSCAD and import the finished mesh to blender for texturing.

Scripting makes the application much more usable. My notes are code that I can run and I can rely on it working every time.

I believe the scripting capabilities will improve Blender not only for users, but also for developers working on it, as it allows developers to write proper unit tests and reproducde errors.

Viewing 3D Models

At that point it makes sense to verify the model in a 3D viewer to make sure nothing has gone wrong.

Open3D Viewer

A nice tool to quickly view 3D models is “Open3D Viewer”. On Ubuntu we can install it by

sudo apt install open3d-gui

Using 3D Models

We then have a 3D model, but what do we do with it? This is where game engines come into play. There we can can move and rotate the model programmatically and implement meaningful software.

Unity Game Engine

A popular Game Engine that I have used for this is the Unity Game Engine. With it I’ve created 3D worlds with 3D Objects from the Unity Store, SketchUp models and my own OpenSCAD + Blender Models. However for simple simulations and small games the Unity Game Engine also has a steep learning curve and may be overkill.

A 3D world of custom 3D objects I've made in Unity

For smaller simulations I’ve come to like the “ursina engine”. It is written in Python, loads and displays 3D objects and allows programmatic rotation and translation of the objects.

Programming is simple. There is an update() function that gets called automatically. In this function the cube can then be manipulated by altering cube.position and cube.rotation based on the time that passed since the last call, store in the variable time.df.

The following code is sufficient to show and rotate a cube (with lighting and shadows).

from ursina import *

app = Ursina()

pivot = Entity()
DirectionalLight(parent=pivot, y=2, z=3, shadows=True, rotation=(45, -45, 45))

cube = Entity(model='cube', color=rgb(73,128,109), scale=(1, 1, 1), position=(0,0,0), collider='box')

def update():
  cube.rotation += Vec3(0,1,0.5) * time.dt * 100


With the background and tool selection out of the way we can create the actual 3D model.

2.1 Creating a Mesh of a sphere

For the mesh creation we have a couple of options. We can use OpenSCAD, but in simple cases like for only creating a sphere we can also use Blender directly with and without scripting. I’ll describe all approaches below.

2.1.1. in OpenSCAD

Creating a sphere in OpenSCAD is easy


2.1.2. in Blender by User Interface

In Blender we can create the sphere via the user interface



That menu is vital as it allows us to configure the “segments” and “rings” of the sphere.

The default values are low and this causes the sphere to have a very unround appearance. Set them to 64 each.


2.1.3. in Blender by Script

We can also create the sphere in Blender from Python by scripting

We first clear the initial cube

import bpy


then create a sphere with a set number of segments and rings.

mesh ='Basic_Sphere')
basic_sphere ="Basic_Sphere", mesh)

bm =
bmesh.ops.create_uvsphere(bm, u_segments=32, v_segments=16, radius=1)


if you wanted to import a mesh from OpenSCAD you could instead do

imported_object = bpy.ops.import_scene.obj(filepath="mesh.obj")
obj_object = bpy.context.selected_objects[0]

2.2. Applying a Texture

With the mesh ready we can apply a texture. For the sphere of the earth there are ready made textures we can apply. If you’re creating a model of something else you would be editing the texture in GIMP, likely by overlaying an UV Layout export from Blender, and viewing the changes in Blender (or Open3D Viewer) as you edit.

You can get the texture of the earth from [4] by


2.2.1. in Blender by User Interface

Step 1 Back in Blender we UV unwrap the sphere by deselecting (!) the sphere (click somewhere else) and doing [u] and selecting “unwrap”

Step 2 Click on “UV Editing”

Now there are many possible outcomes. I usually redo this a couple of times until the texture map looks as below.


You want it to look like this.

Other results - that we don’t want - can be:

If that happens start over and try doing things slightly differently.

Step 3 We can now load the texture image by menu - as you’d expect

However this doesn’t apply the texture to the UV sphere.

Step 4 On the far right click on the symbol for “Material”


Step 5 Then click on the last place you’d expect, on the yellow dot, for the “Base Color”

This opens a menu I call the “hidden menu”. It has an entry for “image texture”

Step 6 Click on “image texture”

Step 7 Click “open”

This doesn’t open a file browser, but secretly changes the right-hand menu to contain an “Open” button

Click on that and you get a file browser. Set the texture again.

Step 8 To finally show the object with the texture switch to the “Texture Paint” tab

Step 9 Open Export Dialog to Wavefront *.obj

Step 10 Set to actually export the object with the texture

The default configuration won’t export the texture

You need to select “triangulated mesh” under “Geometry” and “Export” under “Materials”.

Step 11 Verify in another tool

The export should yield

The *.mtl file is a simple text file that you can edit. Make sure the “map_Kd” specifies a valid path to your texture file.

# Blender 3.6.3 MTL File: 'None'

newmtl Material
Ns 250.000000
Ka 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
Ks 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
Ke 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ni 1.450000
d 1.000000
illum 2
map_Kd untitled.png

Open3D can be used to verify the object is properly stored with the texture

2.2.2. in Blender by Script

By scripting we get more reproducable results. Here we do the UV unwrap to map the 3D Object to the 2D Texture

bpy.ops.uv.smart_project(angle_limit=radians(66), island_margin = 0.00)

We setup a new material, set the an image file as its base color

material ="mymaterial")
material.use_nodes = True
bsdf = material.node_tree.nodes["Principled BSDF"]
texImage ='ShaderNodeTexImage')
texImage.image ="texture.png")['Base Color'], texImage.outputs['Color'])

Then run the scirpt with

blender --python ""

2.3. Display the textured sphere

Now that we have the Mesh of the sphere and the texture we can load it into a game engine.

2.3.1. in Ursina

In order to load and automatically rotate the 3D model we can write a short script

from ursina import *
app = Ursina()

pivot = Entity()

earth = Entity(model="earth.obj", scale=0.5, texture=("earth.png"))
earth.rotation = Vec3(0, 90, 0)

def update():
  earth.rotation += Vec3(0,0.8,-0.2) * time.dt * 100

and run it by


This yields


With that we have a tried and proven approach to creating 3D models.