With an Android device running an aftermarket operating system (see Part 1 of this series) and root capabilities we can configure it as a low-cost low-power Linux home server.
With an abundant amount of used devices the thought of repurposing comes to mind.
As described in the previous part of the series an Android device is essentially a low-cost arm-based computer, with a backup battery and on-board peripherals. They are also run relatively stable, are readily available and generally have more performance especially when compared to Raspberry Pis. Low-level I/O is limited, but that isn’t a concern for a small home-server - though disk space may.
In Part 1 of the series I’ve shown how to install a custom recovery on a Samsung Galaxy Tablet, add a Custom OS, gain root and a Linux shell. This time we’ll install an SSH-Server and set-up timelapse photography - primarily to test battery life and reliability. With all that configured other server software can be added easily.
In Part 1 we’ve already installed Termux. With it we can install further software.
Install an SSH-Server
To access the device remotely via SSH instead of USB with adb we need to install an SSH-Server.
For this, from Linux with the device connected and developer mode active
1) bring up Termux
adb shell am start -n com.termux/com.termux.app.TermuxActivity
2) setup storage on the device
adb shell "input text 'termux-setup-storage' && input keyevent KEYCODE_ENTER"
accept on the touch screen
3) close termux and reopen
adb shell am force-stop com.termux
adb shell am start -n com.termux/com.termux.app.TermuxActivity
4) install the ssh server in termux
Update all packages first otherwise you might run into all sorts of errors due to incompatible libraries (e.g. “sshd cannot link libcrypto”)
adb shell "input text 'yes | pkg update' && input keyevent KEYCODE_ENTER"
adb shell "input text 'yes | pkg install openssh' && input keyevent KEYCODE_ENTER"
5) push the ssh identity file from your Linux PC to the device
adb push ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub /sdcard/Download/id_rsa.pub
adb shell "input text 'cat ~/storage/downloads/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys' && input keyevent KEYCODE_ENTER"
6) create host key files
adb shell "ssh-keygen -A && input keyevent KEYCODE_ENTER"
6) start the ssh server
adb shell "input text 'sshd' && input keyevent KEYCODE_ENTER"
7) connect for the first time
get the IP-Address
adb shell "input text 'ifconfig' && input keyevent KEYCODE_ENTER"
ssh root@<Device IP-Address> -p 8022
Keep Termux running when screen is locked
By default Android will disable the server when the screen is locked. To avoid this we need to run
Prevent Wifi from disconnecting after 10-15 minutes
Android also disables Wifi after some time.
To combat this:
- under Settings -> Battery -> Apps, disable “Battery Optimization” for “Termux”
- and also for “System”
Some useful tools to install in Termux
yes | pkg install vim wget
Note that due to the way vim is configured in Termux you’ll need to hold the shift key down to copy & paste using the mouse right-click menu.
Timelapse Photos
An interesting use-case for the rooted phone is to do timelapse photography.
For this we need to get the Termux-Api packages. It can be downloaded by
wget https://f-droid.org/repo/com.termux.api_51.apk
and then installed on the device by the UI or by using adb install.
For this to work the complementary package is installed within Termux
yes | pkg install termux-api
Now you can take photos by issuing
termux-camera-photo -c 0 $HOME/storage/dcim/photo.jpg
Note that:
- LineageOS has a camera and microphone blocking feature that can be disabled from the dropdown menu. If it’s enabled it the image will be 0 bytes.
- also the Termux-API App needs to be granted permissions for using the camera either via the popup or under settings
For convenience you can create a script for this:
vim timelapse.sh
termux-camera-photo -c0 $HOME/storage/dcim/`date +'timelapse_%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M.jpg'`
and make it executable
chmod +x timelapse.sh
See the next step to make this script automatically run.
To get the timelapse photos from the device, on your Linux machine you can
mkdir $HOME/timelapse && cd $HOME/timelapse
scp -P8022 root@* $HOME/timelapse
and with ffmpeg installed make a video out of them
cd $HOME/timelapse/
ffmpeg -framerate 10 -pattern_type glob -i '*.jpg' -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf "transpose=1" timelapse.mkv
- “-vf “transpose=1” is to rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise, use only if required
- and since we’ve named them year-month-day-hour-minute they will be in the correct order automatically.
Run timed scripts
With termux in wake-lock “cron” can be used to run scripts at timed intervals.
We can use this for the timelapse script mentioned above.
For this install cronie and termux-services.
pkg install cronie termux-services
Enable the cron service
sv-enable crond
Edit the cron configuration
crontab -e
And for example add
*/5 * * * * /data/data/com.termux/files/home/timelapse.sh
to take a photo every 5 minutes.
At 1,6 MB per photo and 16 GB of disk space, with half of that likely consumed by the operating system, we get 8000 MB / 1,6 MB = 5000 photos. At a photo every 5 minutes we get ca. 25.000 minutes = 416 hours = 17 days or total runtime.
So far we can keep Termux running with the screen locked, keep the device conected to the Wifi and run scripts at set intervals.
We’re missing an autostart feature in order for the scripts to start after the device was powered off and back on.
For this we need to install Termux:Boot.
wget https://f-droid.org/repo/com.termux.boot_7.apk
and install that.
It has to be run once.
After this, following the insruction it displays, we need to put scripts we want to automatically start in
mkdir $HOME/.termux/boot/
So for example in
vim $HOME/.termux/boot/start.sh
we can add
sv-enable crond
sv up crond
and make it executable
Now the ssh server and cron will start on boot and the device won’t switch of the Wifi or close Termux when the screen is off.
The tablet ran on battery for 3 days straight taking timelapse photos while staying connected to the WiFi. The battery life is massive since the screen is turned off most of the time. Power cycling the device automatically starts the SSH-Server and cronie.
All in all this works exceptionally well and it’s clear we can set up our own cloud. We can easily install something like NextCloud+MariaDB/MySql that allows for file sharing (NextCloud Smartphone App), calendar/contacts synchronisation (caldav/carddav with the DavX5 Smartphone app) and multiuser expense tracking (CoSpend NextCloud Plugin and MoneyBuster App).
It might also be interesting to install PiHole, a DNS Sinkhole and run DNS-Queries through it to effectively block Ads and tracking services on your home network.