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Most would agree that Sim City 4 is by far the best city-building simulation game. It’s a 20 year old game that hasn’t received any updates since. But recently there have been significant advancements in plug-in development for the game. I’ve written a plug-in for Sim City 4 that allows viewing game metrics in a web browser. The web browser can run on a secondary monitor, smart phone or tablet. This adds basic second-screen/multi-monitor capabilities to the game.

The plug-in source-code and pre-compiled *.dll is available on GitHub (see GitHub simcity4-webinterface-plugin).




For the longest time the closest I could find online regarding plug-in development was the “gzcom-dll” GitHub-Repo [1]. The repo contains the “Extra Cheats DLL”, an example that shows how plug-ins for the game could be written such that the game can successfully load them.

It was a good first step, but required significant further reverse engineering of the game. If you look at the Git commit history you’ll find that up until recently there were only commits up to March of 2018 - 6 years ago.

But since last winter a lot has happened and we may now have all information available to (more easily) write plug-ins for the game.



So why write plug-ins for this 20 year old game? One feature I’d be very interested in would be the ability to somehow use multiple monitors.

One key aspect of the game is to continuously monitoring the in-game metrics.

If these metrics like available electricity, water, RCI demand, budget significantly drop the player has to intervene. Otherwise the Sims will flee the city, tax income will depleat and the city will spiral out of control. An configurable automation that can pause the game would be nice.

The game only supports viewing on graph at a time. If we could run an in-game web server that extracts these metrics and provides a web page with all the metrics we could view them on a second monitor or even a smartphone.

In recent years, with limited information on the internals of the game and limited time, I didn’t get around to developing this. The recent code on GitHub could make developing such a plug-in much more feasible.



A lot has been found out in a large effort on Sim City 4 forums by modders. We can use the information that is now available to write our own plug-in.

Modding Activity

Recently there has been a lot of activity in the Sim City 4 modding community. We can learn a lot from the recently published source codes.

GitHub-Repo Last Update (as of writing) Description
nsgomez/gzcom-dll Mar 28, 2018, then Mar 24, 2024 Plug-in *.dll that is loadable by the game
0xC0000054/sc4-add-new-ordinances Jan 8, 2024 Adds new Ordinances
0xC0000054/sc4-cpu-options Mar 12, 2024 Multi-Core Support
0xC0000054/sc4-ghidra-symbols Apr 3, 2024 Debug Symbolds for Ghidra reverse engineering tool
0xC0000054/sc4-full-screen-32-bit Mar 12, 2024 DirectX full screen mode with 32-bit color
0xC0000054/sc4-more-building-styles Mar 12, 2024 Add building styles
Killeroo/SC4MessageViewer Nov 16, 2023 Display in-game messages
Killeroo/SC4Parser Mar 11, 2023 Parsing “Maxis Database Packed Files (DBPF)” game files
Killeroo/SC4Cartographer Jan 4, 2024 Generate Maps from the Game
memo33/sc4-3d-camera-dll Apr 1, 2024 Change the camera angles
NAMTeam/nam-dll Feb 27, 2024 Improvements for Network Addon Mod
0xC0000054/sc4-gzids Mar 30, 2024 List of Class IDs (GZID)
0xC0000054/sc4-resource-loading-hooks Mar 12, 2024 Modify resources as the game loads them
0xC0000054/sc4-exemplar-load-logging Mar 15, 2024 Extra logging for resource loading
ChrisNonyminus/TS-DLL Jan 19, 2023 GzCom for The Sims 2
Songg45/gzcom-dll-test Feb 24, 2024 Fork of GzCom
Kopachris/SC4-gzcom Oct 18, 2022 Fork of GzCom

Class IDs

I had already found out some years ago that the game seems to run on a publish/subscriber or observer pattern architecture. Game objects send “messages”. Oftentimes so many messages that the game stutters and crashes.

There’s a plug-in [9] available on GitHub that opens a console from the game and shows these messages.

The messages are sent from classes. The reverse engineering effort is in decoding the class ids [2] and understanding their contents. There are lots of them.

an enumeration of all known class IDs in SC4.
A list of all known engine class IDs (GZCLSIDs)
class GZCLSID {
    static const int32_t kGZWinFlatRect = 0xc2afa76e;
    static const int32_t kcGZBuffer = 0x0C470D325;
    static const int32_t kcGZDrawContext = 0x0AE6320E;
    static const int32_t kcGZDrawContextAsBuffer = 0x0AB300B20;
    static const int32_t kcGZDrawFontRenderer = 0x8B3255F9;
    static const int32_t kcGZDrawSystem = 0x0AB2EA3AA;
    static const int32_t kcGZLuaScriptServer = 0x0CBD101A9;
    static const int32_t kcGZMessageQueueManager2 = 0x452294DF;

Component Object Model (COM)

Similarly to Windows COM, “Object Linking and Embedding” (OLE), “OLE custom controls” (OCX, a *.dll that supports OLE), ActiveX (the whole OLE/OCX thing for Webpages with DCOM) and “Distributed Component Object Model” (DCOM) Sim City 4 uses a Component Object Model internally.

Essentially this means the game is heavily object-oriented, uses a common base class and each class has a UUID. The goal is to have bindings for many languages and be able to reuse components across applications and in some cases even remotely.

In Sim City 4 [3] it’s called GZCOM (Gonzo COM) and the “GZCOM Framework” [4] coordinates between the objects and allows setting hooks.

class cIGZUnknown {
    virtual bool QueryInterface(uint32_t riid, void** ppvObj) = 0;
    virtual uint32_t AddRef(void) = 0;
    virtual uint32_t Release(void) = 0;


The pieces I need for the Sim City 4 Rest-API Plug-In are the following:

With that we could point a web browser to the TCP server the Plug-In will start and see the Frontend-Page that will display in-game stats and allow to play and pause the game. The can then also be automated to pause the game when the population drops by say 10%, so the player can intervene.


For the server and as we’ll be on Windows, we’ll need to use Winsock. It’s been a while. Last I used Winsock was on Visual Basic 6.0 via the OCX component. There’s good example code on the web [5].

#include <winsock2.h>
#pragma comment (lib, "Ws2_32.lib")
WSADATA wsaData;
iResult = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData);
ListenSocket = socket(result->ai_family, result->ai_socktype, result->ai_protocol);
iResult = bind( ListenSocket, result->ai_addr, (int)result->ai_addrlen);
iResult = listen(ListenSocket, SOMAXCONN);
ClientSocket = accept(ListenSocket, NULL, NULL); // block until connection
do {
  iResult = recv(ClientSocket, recvbuf, recvbuflen, 0);
  iSendResult = send( ClientSocket, recvbuf, iResult, 0 );

What I don’t like about this is that it can handle only one simultaneous connection, but if we code it robust enough to reopen after close and the web browsers behave nicely and close the connection, we it could be good enough for a start and save us from having to implement a more complex threading model.

GZCOM interfaces

Some general information about the city can be queried from GZCOM’s cISC4City [11]. This will give us:

virtual bool GetCityName(cIGZString& szPath) = 0;
virtual bool GetMayorName(cIGZString& szName) = 0;
virtual bool GetCityDescription(cIGZString& szDescription) = 0;

For the interface we can have a look at the “legalize gambling ordinance” plug-in [8].

const float lowWealthPopulation = GetCityPopulation(0x1011);
const float medWealthPopulation = GetCityPopulation(0x1021);
const float highWealthPopulation = GetCityPopulation(0x1031);

float GetCityPopulation(uint32_t groupID) {
  constexpr uint32_t cityCensusIndex = 0;
  const cISC4Demand* demand = pDemandSimulator->GetDemand(groupID, cityCensusIndex);
  value = demand->QuerySupplyValue();

The city finances can be queried from GZCOM’s cISC4Simulator

virtual int64_t GetYTDIncome(void) = 0;
virtual int64_t GetEstIncome(void) = 0;
virtual int64_t GetYTDExpenses(void) = 0;
virtual int64_t GetEstExpenses(void) = 0;
virtual uint32_t GetTotalMonthlyExpense(void) = 0;
virtual int64_t GetTotalYearlyExpense(void) = 0;
virtual int32_t GetTotalMonthlyIncome(void) = 0;
virtual int64_t GetTotalYearlyIncome(void) = 0;

There’s also a message ID we might have to subscribe to

kSC4MessageFundsChanged = 0x772FAD4,

I also want to have console window instead of silent logging to a file, for this we can have a look at the “message viewer” plug-in [9] - the console logger class is exactly what we need [10]. It uses relatively simple Windows API calls.

GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConsoleOutput, &sbiConsoleInfo)
hConsoleOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
WriteFile(hConsoleOutput, message->c_str(), length, NULL, NULL);

For the game play/pause state there are functions in GZCOM’s cISC4Simulator [12]

virtual bool Pause(void) = 0;
virtual bool IsPaused(void) = 0;

Data Model

As for the data model I want to keep things as simple as possible and build something similar to a REST-API.

To get the in-game state we’ll do

and get something like

  "state" : "paused",
  "demand_city_population_low_wealth" : "10000",
  "demand_city_population_mid_wealth" : "8000",
  "demand_city_population_high_wealth" : "2000",

Additionally there will be a call to play and pause the game


With that we can build a simple HTML frontend. In HTML/jQuery [6] we can do something like this:

  $.getJSON("state", function(result){
    $.each(result, function(i, field){
      $("div").append(field + " ");

Of course we can then build on that and use something like d3.js to draw nice charts [7].



With that vague plan of where we want to go we can start implementing.

Build an existing plug-in

To get started it makes sense to take any existing plug-in project and try to build and run that first.

Get the Code

To get started I’ve downloaded the legalize gambling ordinance upgrade plug-in from 0xC0000054 [13].

Install Visual Studio

It’s configured for VisualStudioVersion = 17.8 according to the *.sln so that’s what I downloaded. Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition is available for free [14].

Setup Boost

It requires the boost libraries otherwise an include #include "boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp" will be missing. So we get that

wget -OutFile

and extract it.

Add-Type -Assembly "System.IO.Compression.Filesystem"
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory(".\", "boost_1_84_0")

(Expand-Archive .\ -DestinationPath boost_1_84_0 is awefully slow)

Note that I was able to get rid of “Boost” and the “Windows Implementation Layer” later on during development.

Add Include Path

Set the inlude path in Visual Studio by the Solution Explorer Pane, Configuration Properties > C/C++ > General > Additional Include Directories

Configure Post-Build Copy

There’s an xcopy with a wrong directory Post-Build Command configured, so we change that to

xcopy "$(TargetPath)" "C:\Users\<username>\Documents\SimCity 4\Plugins" /y

Setup Windowed Mode

To get Sim City to run in windowed mode we can set “-w” in the Sream Options.

Plug-In config file

This particular plug-in requires copying SC4LegalizeGamblingUpgrade.ini to the plug-in directory, as the log file will tell you

"SC4LegalizeGamblingUpgrade v1.0.0
15:01:57 Failed top open the settings file."

Try it

With this plug-in the gambling ordinance will vary by the population instead of constant 150$ or so. You can see this in the Budget window in the game.


With that we have a plug-in that properly loads that we can adapt for our needs.

Try adding some extra logging

With this plug-in the GetCurrentMonthlyIncome() function gets called frequently, so we can add additional logging.

int64_t LegalizeGamblingOrdinanceUpgrade::GetCurrentMonthlyIncome() {
  Logger& logger = Logger::GetInstance();
  logger.WriteLine(LogOptions::Errors, "GetCurrentMonthlyIncome");

and verify it shows up in the log file.

Log the city name

More interestingly lets get the name of the city. This involves handling strings.

cISC4AppPtr pSC4App;
if (pSC4App) {
  cISC4City* pCity = pSC4App->GetCity();
  if (pCity) {
    cRZBaseString tmp;
	  // -- set city name
    logMessage("[I] CityName: " + String(tmp.ToChar()));
    m_state->setEntry("cityName", tmp.ToChar());

With COM we need to first instantiate an empty cRZBaseString-class and pass it into the Getter-Functions where it will be overwritten with the actual content

Implement the Web-Server

I’ve briefly considered developing the Webserver from scratch, but in between I was working on an ESP-8266 electronics project and it has a very nice built-in Web-Server. The only work the developer has to do is setup a request_handler function.

While we can’t use that diretly in a desktop application I’ve found libmicrohttpd [15].

So as the next step I wrote a standalone Linux Web Server using libmicrohttpd, based on their minimal_server.c example code and hosted JSON and an HTML page.

JSON Key-Value Store

I have a very minimalis JSON Key-Value store that I wrote a while ago for Arduino projects.

The interface has four functions:

With this we can have the game plug-in writing values with setEntry and the Webserver using serializeToJson upon Web-Requests to the URL /state. Exactly what we need.

Putting it all together

From there I’ve switched to the code from Killeroo/SC4MessageViewer and quickly had the Sim City 4 plug-in running and printing the city name to the console.

Next I had to get that adapted libhttpmicroserver minimal_server.c code I had written on Linux running on Windows in Visual Studio.

After struggles I decided to just copy out the portions of libhttpmicroserver directly into a fresh Visual Studio 2022 project avoiding the complex project configuration, *.dll configuration and the usual Visual Studio project setup issues. Doing this I setup the file paths in the Visual Studio project configuration *.vcxproj with a text editor. To build it I use the developer command prompt with msbuild .\SC4WebInterface.sln avoiding the Visual Studio IDE. This gave me enough control over the library and header paths to actually fix the issues.

Winsock Hell

With Winsock you always have to watch out to #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN maintain an exact order of #include <windows.h>, #include <winsock2.h>, #include <ws2tcpip.h> and the library #pragma comment(lib, "Ws2_32.lib"), because there are two incompatible implementations in Windows (yields redefinition errors) and somehow it always goes wrong at first. It gets even more tricky when you’re mixing C and C++ code, building a portion in a library and have to deal with Visual Studio at the same time.

Plug-In Path, Unicode Directory Paths

One interesting thing I encountered was getting the path of the *.dll and not that of SimCity4.exe, which loads the *.dll.

This can be done with the “Windows Implementation Layer” as other Plug-Ins do, but I wanted a more lean approach.

For this I ended up using the Windows API GetModuleHandleExW directly and going though the hassle of codecvt_utf8 converting the wide string to string and to c_str. Probably there will be encoding issues with foreign langauges, but I don’t think unicode chars are in use with these paths.



The C/C++ portion of the plug-in is mostly completed.

Next steps would be to:

I’ve uploaded all the code an a precompiled release to GitHub. See GitHub simcity4-webinterface-plugin.
