
With the honeypot set up we can see the successful login attempts, but not much is happening appart from strange SSH-Keys being added. This is likely due to the honeypot being detected as such by the malware. The honeypot is not covert enough and is lacking features to log the passwords and commands that were attemped. In the following we’ll enhance it.

In the following we will:



When starting the honeypot it was already clear that I’d need to put in a least some effort ot make it look like a honeypot too obviously.

After all this is the reason I’m using a virtual machine instead of a python honeypot with limited command set.



To improve the honeypot three things need to be changed.

CPU info is a dead giveaway

One of the most issued commands by malware currently in the wild is

cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep name

but also

lscpu | grep Model

It’s unclear if this is just for logging, to select a suitably powerful host for cryptomining or to detect virtual machines.

Either way this could prevent further infection by malware and for an effective honeypot we should make sure cpuinfo looks like a real machine.

Failed Passwords

It would be nice to see the passwords that have been attemped. The source code of the openssh server needs to be altered to do this.


And while we’re at it, I’d like to see the commands the attackerd entered.


Available Options

CPU Info

There are different way to fake the cpuinfo in a Qemu machine.

“-cpu host”

The easiest option is probably to use the -cpu host option in Qemu. This will duplicate the cpuinfo from the host system thereby seeming like a real system.


Another option is of course patching the Qemu source.

Bind mount

But according to [2] we can also bind-mount a different cpuinfo inside the system.

cat /proc/cpuinfo | perl -pe 's/4096 KB/8192 KB/g' > cpuinfo.lie
mount --bind cpuinfo.lie /proc/cpuinfo"

Command History

I’ve found some options for how to get a log file of all actions performed on the SSH-Server. They have some drawbacks.


The easiest is the .bash_history file in the user directory.

However this has significant drawbacks



Also easily detectable and removable is setting PROMPT_COMMAND` [3,4].


bash shopt

A bash option can be set to log to a file

shopt -s syslog_history



An elegant solution is to add script to the /etc/bashrc.



Perhaps the best built-in method for security audit logging is pam_audit.so.


Patching OpenSSH

We can go further and just patch OpenSSH, as you’ll see below.

For an older version of OpenSSH there is a patch here [7].

We’ll likely have to do this a bit differently for newer OpenSSH versions, but it shows where we would have to make changes.

Namely in the function channel_handle_rfd which is in channels.c.

if (c->datagram) {
	buffer_put_string(&c->input, buf, len)

There is an even better patch for version 4.2 [8] that writes in a format compatible with script that we can use replay on and also records timestamps of the interactions.

Logging Passwords

There is no official option in the OpenSSH-server to log passwords of failed login attempts.

However, since we’ll be patching the OpenSSH-server anyway to get the command history, we can apply a patch with minimal modification to log authentication attempts as well [9].

We need to hook into the int auth_password function of auth-passwd.c [10].

 * Tries to authenticate the user using password.  Returns true if
 * authentication succeeds.
auth_password(struct ssh *ssh, const char *password)
	Authctxt *authctxt = ssh->authctxt;
	struct passwd *pw = authctxt->pw;
	int result, ok = authctxt->valid;

Another patch implementation [11,12] uses a Dockerfile that grabs the OpenSSSH source via apt-get source and patches with sed which makes it more flexible regarding minor changes of the OpenSSH code.



With the above information we can get coding, fake the cpu info and write the patches for the OpenSSH server.

Patching OpenSSH

For the OpenSSH server I ended up with three patches to

Also provided is a Docker file that I use in order to build for Debian 12 in a compatible way.

Patch for Command History

vim docker-openssh-logging/openssh-log-history.diff
--- openssh-9.2p1-orig/channels.c	2024-03-27 16:27:53.000000000 +0000
+++ openssh-9.2p1/channels.c	2024-03-28 12:27:09.624032043 +0000
@@ -2175,6 +2175,14 @@
 	len = write(c->wfd, buf, dlen);
+        char sLogfileName[50];
+        sprintf(sLogfileName, "/ssh-log-%.100s-%d.txt", ssh_remote_ipaddr(ssh), ssh_remote_port(ssh));
+        FILE *pLogfile;
+        pLogfile = fopen(sLogfileName, "a");
+        fwrite(buf, sizeof(char), dlen, pLogfile);
+        fclose(pLogfile);
 	if (len == -1 &&
 	    (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK))
 		return 1;

Patch for Password Authentication

vim docker-openssh-logging/openssh-log-auth.diff
--- openssh-9.2p1-orig/auth-passwd.c    2024-03-27 16:27:53.000000000 +0000
+++ openssh-9.2p1/auth-passwd.c 2024-03-28 08:20:10.689818076 +0000
@@ -83,6 +83,18 @@
        static int expire_checked = 0;

+        char s[30];
+        size_t i;
+        struct tm tim;
+        time_t now;
+        now = time(NULL);
+        tim = *(localtime(&now));
+        i = strftime(s,30,"%b %d, %Y; %H:%M:%S",&tim);
+        FILE *pLogfile;
+        pLogfile = fopen("/ssh-log-auth.txt", "a");
+        fprintf(pLogfile, "Login, time: %s, user: %s, password: %s\n", s, authctxt->user, password);
+        fclose(pLogfile);
        if (strlen(password) > MAX_PASSWORD_LEN)
                return 0;

Patch to Accept any Password

vim docker-openssh-logging/openssh-any-password.diff
--- openssh-9.2p1/auth-passwd.c	2024-03-28 09:46:06.327595032 +0000
+++ openssh-9.2p1/auth-passwd.c	2024-03-28 09:44:50.803515067 +0000
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@
         pLogfile = fopen("/ssh-log-auth.txt", "a");
         fprintf(pLogfile, "Login, time: %s, user: %s, password: %s\n", s, authctxt->user, password);
+        return ok;
 	if (strlen(password) > MAX_PASSWORD_LEN)
 		return 0;

With this patch we don’t need the pam audit configuration we’ve added previously.


In order to easily build in a compatible way for Debian 12 I’ll use Docker.

vim docker-openssh-logging/Dockerfile
FROM debian:bookworm-slim@sha256:ccb33c3ac5b02588fc1d9e4fc09b952e433d0c54d8618d0ee1afadf1f3cf2455

# -- grab openssh source and dependencies
RUN echo "deb http://deb.debian.org/debian stable main contrib non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN echo "deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian stable main contrib non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN echo "deb http://security.debian.org/debian-security stable-security main contrib non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN echo "deb-src http://svoimvecurity.debian.org/debian-security stable-security main contrib non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list

RUN apt-get update && \
    DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends tzdata && \
    apt-get -y build-dep openssh-server && \
    apt-get -y install build-essential fakeroot devscripts && \
    mkdir src && cd src && \
    apt-get source openssh-server

# -- install killall and vim
RUN apt -y install vim psmisc
RUN echo "set mouse=" >> /root/.vimrc

# -- prerequisites for sshd to run
RUN echo "PermitRootLogin yes" >> /usr/local/etc/sshd_config
RUN sed -i '/UsePAM/d' /usr/local/etc/sshd_config
RUN sed -i '/gssapiauthentication/d' /usr/local/etc/sshd_config
RUN useradd sshd

# -- backup original code in case we want to diff patches
RUN cp -r /src/openssh-9.2p1 /src/openssh-9.2p1-orig

# -- patch  history
COPY openssh-log-history.diff /src/openssh-log-history.diff
RUN cd /src/openssh-9.2p1 && patch -p1 -F10  < ../openssh-log-history.diff

# -- patch password authentication
COPY openssh-log-auth.diff /src/openssh-log-auth.diff
RUN cd /src/openssh-9.2p1 && patch -p1 -F10 < ../openssh-log-auth.diff

# -- patch allow any password
COPY openssh-any-password.diff /src/openssh-any-password.diff
RUN cd /src/openssh-9.2p1 && patch -p1 -F10 < ../openssh-any-password.diff

# -- build
RUN cd /src/openssh-9.2p1 && autoreconf
RUN cd /src/openssh-9.2p1 && ./configure
RUN cd /src/openssh-9.2p1 && make
RUN cd /src/openssh-9.2p1 && make install

# -- run
CMD ["/src/openssh-9.2p1/sshd"]


With that we can build the container

docker build -t debian12 docker-openssh-logging/

and run it

docker run --rm -it --name deb12 --entrypoint /bin/bash debian12

Producing Patches

To make changes or add additional patches, we can simply edit, for instance

vim src/openssh-9.2p1/channels.c

test it by rebuilding

killall sshd
ssh root@localhost

and, if it works as expected, produce patch files that can be added to the Dockerfile.

cd /src
diff --unified openssh-9.2p1-orig/auth-passwd.c openssh-9.2p1/auth-passwd.c > /openssh-log-auth.diff
diff --unified openssh-9.2p1-orig/channels.c openssh-9.2p1/channels.c > /openssh-log-history.diff


We see everything being logged in

vim /ssh-log-auth.txt


vim /ssh-log-<ip>-<port>.txt



Copy sshd from the Docker container to the Qemu Honeypot

With the docker container running

docker build -t debian12 docker-openssh-logging/
docker run --rm -it --name deb12 --entrypoint /bin/bash debian12

In another console

docker cp deb12:/src/openssh-9.2p1/sshd sshd-patched
sudo modprobe nbd max_part=8
sudo qemu-nbd --connect=/dev/nbd0 $HOME/hda.qcow
sudo mount /dev/nbd0p1 /mnt/tmp

sudo cp sshd-patched /mnt/tmp/usr/sbin/sshd
sudo cp -r /mnt/tmp/etc/ssh /mnt/tmp/usr/local/etc
sudo sed -i '/UsePAM/d' /mnt/tmp/usr/local/etc/sshd_config
echo "HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key"  | sudo tee -a /mnt/tmp/usr/local/etc/sshd_config

sudo umount /mnt/tmp
sudo qemu-nbd --disconnect /dev/nbd0

and run the qemu machine

qemu-system-x86_64 -hda hda.qcow -m 512 -net nic,model=virtio,macaddr=52:54:00:00:00:01 -net bridge,br=virtbr0

Fake CpuInfo

Next we can fake the cpuinfo.

The Qemu options “-cpu host” didn’t work and “-L pc-bios” had no effect on the output of cpuinfo.

In the end I just bind mounted a copy of the cpuinfo from my host system.

sudo modprobe nbd max_part=8
sudo qemu-nbd --connect=/dev/nbd0 $HOME/hda.qcow
sudo mount /dev/nbd0p1 /mnt/tmp

cat /proc/cpuinfo | sudo tee /mnt/tmp/root/cpuinfo.lie
echo "mount --bind /root/cpuinfo.lie /proc/cpuinfo"  | sudo tee -a /mnt/tmp/root/.bashrc

sudo umount /mnt/tmp
sudo qemu-nbd --disconnect /dev/nbd0

The honeypot machine now claims to use a Ryzen 5 processor even though it is running on a virtual single core in Qemu.

This is a quite versatile method to also fake other configuration files, if we need to.



We’ve set a correct cpuinfo and we’re able to monitor an attackers actions more closely.

We also learn: never use a system where an attacker has had root access as then any application may have been recompiled with extra logging to expose user credentials.

1] https://blog.port22.dk/mdrfckrs-part-one/
2] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qemu-kvm/+bug/529008
3] https://gist.github.com/JPvRiel/df1d4c795ebbcad522188759c8fd69c7
4] https://coderwall.com/p/anphha/save-bash-history-in-syslog-on-centos
5] https://www.seimaxim.com/kb/how-to-log-all-bash-history-commands-to-syslog
6] https://askubuntu.com/questions/161935/how-do-i-log-all-input-and-output-in-a-terminal-session
7] https://github.com/jimtangshfx/openssh-sshd-patch/blob/master/README.md
8] http://www.kdvelectronics.eu/ssh-logging/ssh-logging.html
9] https://www.hackerfactor.com/blog/index.php?/categories/21-Honeypot
10] https://github.com/openssh/openssh-portable/blob/edcff77f82c2bb2b5653b36f1e47274c5ef3e8be/auth-passwd.c#L77C1-L77C14
11] https://metamorphant.de/blog/posts/2021-04-14-ssh-server-opensshd-logging-passwords/
12] https://gist.github.com/JohannesFKnauf/8f1e00c823a8fdba6eccd75a89f420f8