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My small Raspberry PI Home-Server failed once again after approx. 2 years of operation. This time the SD-Card literally burned up. I’ll reinstall it, document the process and share some insights I’ve had from over a decade of running home servers.




I’ve been running servers for well over two decades now.

Currently my home server is a simple single board computer with very light weight workloads: Synchronising calendars, synchronising finances, some file sharing, smarthome sensor data logging and plotting graphs. I’ve moved by web page hosting elsewhere and have omitted most other services that were high on maintainance and not so useful after all.

One of the first ones was an old Windows machine running Microsoft’s Web-Server, the “Internet Information Services” (IIS). This was around 2001 and it got littered with viruses at a rate you would not believe.

I’ve run Linux with Apache-Webservers during my student days on an old Acer Extensa 2900 LMi laptop.

During the “home-theatre pc” (HTPC) hype I was running first an Asus e350 board with 6 S-Ata ports and later an Asus j3455 for HDMI output. On the later, during the beginining of the Covid pandemic, out of boredom and seeking to learn new technologies, I went all out and installed some twenty Docker services.

Upon realising I’m consuming about 60 W continiously and that that amounts to serveral hundred Eur anually in electricity fees I stepped down to a Raspberry Pi 3B+.


Lessons learned regarding maintainance - What I don’t use anymore

There is no better way than home servers to shoot yourself in the foot with maintainance effort. Here are some things I’ve used in the past that I now dodge.

I try to be pragmatic, avoid single-points of failure, use easily recreatable standard configurations and take as many sources of issues out of the equation as possible.

Matrix Chat Server

Remember the days when you simply had an MSN/Windows Messenger installed? Then perhaps additionally ICQ Messenger and some others.

At the time there were universal chat clients like Trilian and Pidgin. These were extensible with plugins. Most chat services supported XMPP the “universal messaging standard” [1]. You could have one chat application to communicate on multiple char services.

That went away when companies started trying to retain users on their platforms. We now have WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Apple iMessage and so forth. The only way to use them is by installing the official smartphome apps and/or/in combination with their poorly designed web interfaces. No interoperability what so ever.

So some years ago I thought it would be great to get back to one unified chat application in order to not have to install all these data gathering messengers on my phone.

The only half way viable option is running a Matrix-Server [2].

The Matrix-Server is one Chat-Server you run. You can connect to it via client apps on your phone such as “Element” [3]. And in order for Matrix to access, for example, your WhatsApp messages you need to run:

You then get

There is no single thing I’ve wasted more time with to get running and then abandoned all together.

In short: use E-Mail, Phone, SMS or get people to move to Jabber - someone has to make the first step.


I’ve had web pages since the 2000s. Back then, in the Web 1.0, we would write an *.html-page and push it to an FTP-Server. With dynamic web pages, “Asynchronous JavaScript transfer” (AJAX) and the advent of Web 2.0 some things went overboard.

When I started blogging more frequently I was persuaded into running a Wordpress instance instead of static webpages.

These wordpress instances

In short wordpress is totally over-engineered for any sort of personal blog.

After giving up on blogging due to the convoluted interface and the frequent issues I moved back to *.html-pages and then to static page generators like jekyll.

When my webhosting increased prices once again I quit the contract and moved my page to GitHub-page. Since then

All of these wordpress plugins maintained by single people around the world for instance to add syntax highlighting or analytics to WordPress that you can just add to your page by simply copying a 10 line snippet of HTML/JavaScript into your pages. Using the convoluted WordPress for that - do you really want ot be that guy?

In short: Write *.html or use a static-page generator like Jekyll instead. Host on “dumb” servers, GitHub pages or similar.


Docker is a controversial one. I’ve used Docker for about a decade now (it was introduced in 2013). There are definitely sensible use-cases - your own personal home server probably isn’t.

Let me breakdown what Docker promises to do for you:

To this I say

Here is what it adds:

Let me elaborate further:

In short: Trust me, just run servers on bare-metal.

Video Disk Recorder, VDR

When linear television became less and less watchable due to more and more advertisements - there’s a pattern here: capitalists in seek of profits are destroying so much - I set up a hard disk recorder.

The “Video Disk Recorder” (VDR) connected to a DVB-S2 USB satellite reciver (Hauppauge, TechniSat, …) would record scheduled shows onto a large array of hard disks.

This worked well, but has draw backs

Nowadays I just

In short: Linear TV is dead. Use ad-free paid streaming. Get optical Media.

OpenHAB / HomeAssistant / Node.RED

For smart home control and interfaces it may seem like there is no way around OpenHAB, HomeAssistant, ioBroker, etc… They all tend to become very complex over time and riddled with incompatibilities in the smarthome device bindings. Often they consume so much RAM they won’t even run on a 1 GB Raspberry Pi 3B+.

My OpenHAB installation failed so frequently we went back to just using the Philips Hue physical buttons or the Philips Hue App. Even after fixing the OpenHAB instance we were just so used to hitting the physical button or opening that Hue-App, that we didn’t use OpenHAB even if it did run.

It just wasn’t worth the effort of maintaining - at least not for lighting contol.

What do Smart-Home automations promise

Regarding this I found that

As mentioned above for advanced use-cases you can even have Python scripts reading and writing to your Smarthome device hubs via REST-APIs. I’m doing this for the FritzBox, Philips Hue Lighting, my VictronOS Solar controller and Bosch Smarthome Heating controls. There are heaps of example code for this on the internet.

In short: These are by defintion single points of failure. Don’t run this buggy resource hogging high-maintainance stuff. Just use the manufacturer apps and physical buttons. Don’t run too many different smarthome systems. If you need clever automations write a custom 10-20 line Python script to do it.


An interesting use-case for home-servers and smart home systems is to do data logging and then visualize that data. For instance, if you want to visualize the temperature curve of your refridgerator.

Now for some reason we are led to believe we need complicated micro-services to do this.

My graphs are produced by just 19 lines of Python code as you’ll see below. They write images to the web server directory (/var/www/) to make the graphs accessable from any web browser on my network. Such code can either be run by a web server hook or by routenly by an entry in the Linux crontab.

You can easily go overboard in configuring the plot to you liking. There are heaps of Matplotlib example available online.

In short: Write simple plotting scripts in Python or similar. Make them accessable by writing them into your web server root directory. You’ll learn more, have more customisation, less frustrations, less dependencies and will consume less resources on your server.


The Pi-Hole ad-blocker is a great piece of software. Yet I’ve also abandoned it for one simple reason: If it fails, and it will, then you’re home internet will go down. It’s another one of those “single points of failure”. And if you’re on an important video call for a job application or work, you’d feel really dumb, if it fails and you get disconnected.

I’ve found that it is of no help, when I’m outside of my home, as I generally don’t VPN into my home network to surf the internet - there would be a significant performance toll on that.

The easierst solution, with a similar effect, is to run “ublock origin” addons across all your devices. It’s also easier to temporarily disable, when a web page doesn’t work properly due to an blocker.

Unless you have you run your own company and you’re blocking ads for your employees, it really doesn’t make too much sense to have a centralized ad blocker. Also there are privacy concerns: I don’t want to see the domain names of pages my friends are accessing on home Wifi.

It is advantagous for those TV streaming sticks where you can’t install an ad blocker, though.

In short: Just use the free and open-source browser addon uBlock Origin.


Apache Guacamole [4] is a really cool remote desktop gateway. Guacamole runs its own Apache Tomcat server. You configure your web server to reverse proxy to it. Then you can log in with a web browser from anywhere in the world and open remote desktop or VNC connections to devices on your home network. This is great, if you have want to be able to come back to your graphical user interface from anywhere.

The draw back is that it lags and consumes a lot of bandwidth. It’s also a security vulnerability. With graphical interaction there is also no good option for logging user action and so you won’t be able to tell what an intruder did, if he gets access.

While this makes sense in some corporate scenarios, for your home server and if you’re used to Linux it’s much more easier, faster and safer to just control your servers via SSH. SSH has optional X11 forwarding built-in, if you really need to view your Linux desktop.

In short: use SSH or purpose-built web interfaces to control home servers instead


Of course full-size servers are many times more reliable, but they are also much more expensive and consume much more power. So, in residential settings, we have to make due with single board computers such as the Raspberry PI. Over the years I’ve found fixed for some of the most common stability issues with Rasberry PIs in 24/7 operation.

Avoid SD-Cards

I’ve had three or four SD cards either not work at all or burn up within a few years in Raspberry PIs.

Then I learned that Raspberry PI 3B+ and most models onward can boot from USB-Sticks. USB-Sticks are less compact, produce less heat and can tolerate more write cycles.

Linux generally, unless configured otherwise, will write a lot of log messages to disk. This causes the SD-cards to either get filled or eventually break down completly from the wear.

There’s also the option to omit all persistance and write only to memory with an ```rpi-config`` option. I think this is what my VictronOS solar controller is doing. But it’s inconvenient.

In short: Don’t use Micro SD-Cards. Use USB-Sticks or USB-SSDs instead. The Raspberry Pi 3B+ can boot off of them.

Get proper USB power bricks

If there’s one constant with RaspberryPI’s it’s “undervoltage detected” errors.

I’ve yet to find a power brick that doesn’t occasionally cause these issues.

But what you can do is use a USB-C charger cable from something beefy like a laptop. That should be able to maintain a stable voltage.


Configuration - for what I do use

So that brings me to my current home server configuration. I’ve reinstalled it yesterday. It can be up and running within a day.


I’m using the Raspberry Pi 3B+.


I use the Raspberry PI Imager on Ubuntu to write “Rasbian Lite (64-Bit)” to a USB-Stick. It’s a Debian Buster that runs headless.


As my server runs headless, the easiest way to configure it is by editing the files on the usb stick.

To enable the SSH server on boot

cd bootfs
sudo touch ssh

To enable wifi

sudo vim rootfs/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
    ssid="<wifi ssid>"
    psk="<wifi password>"
sudo vim rootfs/etc/network/interfaces
allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-ssid "<wifi ssid>"
wpa-psk "<wifi password>"

Power on and connect

Insert the USB-stick to the rasp pi, power it on and connect with

ssh root@<raspberrypi-ipaddress>

You can look the IP-Address up on your Wifi-Router. Rasbian has a default password.

I advise to change it.

Install tools

I really only need a vim text editor with proper mouse copy/paste for now.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install vim
echo "set mouse-=a" >> $HOME/.vimrc
echo "set mouse-=a" | sudo tee -a /root/.vimrc

Synchronised Office

Next I have some services I install for my use to sychronise calendars, expenses and files.


Install the Webserver

sudo apt install apache2
sudo apt-get install php # installs php8.2


Install NextCloud into that Webserver

cd /var/www/html
sudo wget
tar -xvf latest.tar.bz2
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/nextcloud

NextCloud needs some PHP modules

sudo apt install php-{fpm,gd,mysql,curl,xml,zip,intl,mbstring,bz2,ldap,apcu,bcmath,gmp,imagick,igbinary,cli,common,opcache,readline,imagick} 
sudo systemctl restart apache2
sudo systemctl enable apache2 

Nextcloud should be accessable under http://raspberrypi-ipaddress>/nextcloud. Don’t configure it yet.

For best practices clear that Apache2 index page. Nobody needs to know what you are running.

echo "" | sudo tee /var/www/html/index.html


Nextcloud can use SqlLite which saves the database to a file. This runs extremly slow. It’s best to install a MySql-Server

sudo apt install mariadb-server

sudo systemctl start mariadb
sudo systemctl enable mariadb

Then configure it

sudo mysql -uroot

CREATE USER 'nextclouduser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<nextcloud-password>';
CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS nextcloud CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on nextcloud.* to 'nextclouduser'@'localhost';


You can then open http://raspberrypi-ipaddress>/nextcloud and configure those same credentials.


So far we have NextCloud running with the MySQL database.

But for more security we need to configure HTTPS and certificates. We need a Dynamic DNS service to make sure the server can be found on the internet even if your internet service provider changes your external IP-Address.

SSL certificates

For HTTPS to work we need a certificate.

(optional) real SSL Certificate

You don’t need a real SSL certificate for your home server, if it’s just you and close friends using it. They can just accept your self-signed certificate. But if you have paid for domain hosting service you can use it to get a real SSL certificate.

If you have a domain hosting service such as you can get a real SSL certificate from it.

For this we use the scripts

wget -O - | sh

export INWX_User="<your inwx user>"
export INWX_Password="<inwx token for that domain>"

$HOME/ --register-account -m <your e-mail>
$HOME/ --issue --dns dns_inwx -d <your domain>

You’ll find the script will have automatically added an entry to your crontab to keep things updated automatically.

If all works you now have certificate files in

$HOME/<your domain>/<your domain>{.crt,.key, ...}

Currently the script seems to have some compatibility issue with inwx.

Self-Signed Certificate

After the n-th time of debugging issues with SSL certificates and compatibility issues between the and domain hosting service, I just self-sign the certificates for my home server.

sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/ssl/private/apache-selfsigned.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/apache-selfsigned.crt

You can leave most fields blank. For our use case these fields are only good for making your users more able to recognize whether the certificate is legitimate. For the Common Name (FQDN) I use the domain name.

The only drawback is that your devices will prompt you whether they should accept that self-signed certificate.


To enable HTTPS on your Webserver with that self-signed certificate

vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf

>VirtualHost *:8443>
  ServerName <your domain>
  ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
  DocumentRoot /var/www/html
  ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
  CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
	SSLEngine on
	SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/apache-selfsigned.crt
	SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/apache-selfsigned.key

and since I use a non-standard port and like to have Apache running only on IPv4 I change

vim /etc/apache2/ports.conf
Listen 80

<IfModule ssl_module>

<IfModule mod_gnutls.c>

Not the makes sure the server runs on IPv4 only and noth IPv4 and IPv6.

sudo a2enmod ssl
sudo a2ensite default-ssl.conf
sudo service apache2 restart


Now you have HTTPS running and can more or less safely open the Port 8443 on your router.

But since your internet service provider is probably changing your external IP-Address from time to time we need to setup a DynDNS service.

I use inwx for this too

sudo apt install ddclient
sudo vim /etc/ddclient.conf
password='<token password>'
<domain name>
sudo systemctl restart ddclient
sudo systemctl enable ddclient

Now your server should be accessable from anywhere on earth by

https://<your domain>:8443/

NextCloud Trusted Domain Errors

You NextCloud instance won’t accept any logins unless you make a change to the config.php.

sudo vim /var/www/html/nextcloud/config/config.php

In my case I had to add entry “1” and write the domain name there (without https and port number).

  array (
    0 => '<internal ip address>',
    1 => '<your domain>',


From there I set up to features I’ve found indespensible. Synchronised calendar and expense tracking.

NextCloud/Calendar, Phone: DavX5/Simple Calendar

For a synchronised calandar:

In Nextcloud web:

On your Android Phones:

On your PCs running Thunderbird add the calendar link:

https://<your domain name>:8443/remote.php/dav/calendars/<your username>/<calandar name, e.g common>/

If you need to transfer calendar entries from a different provider or a previous installation

NextCloud/Cospend, Phone: MoneyBuster

For synchronised expense tracking similar to “Tricount”, but self-hosted we use the Cospend Addon on NextCloud and the MoneyBuster-App on our phones.

In NextCloud Web:

In the MoneyBuster-App:

If you need to transfer entries from a previous installation:

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That brings me to my gimmicky Smart-Home features.

Python scripts for off-the-shelf Smarthome hubs: Hue, FritzDect, VictronOS and DIY EspHome

To retrieve temperature readings and control actuactors across the various smart home systems I have, I generally resort to simple Python scripts.

I’ve released them as “suckless-smarthome” on my GitHub (see here).

Control lights with the Philips Hue

A specific lamp can be controlled by a script like this one:

python3 --action getstate --device Lamp

All you need is to get the username token from the Hue Bridge Api and configure it accordingly.

Temperature Readings from FritzDect Sensors

FritzBox-Routers have DECT modules integrated originally for wireless telephony, but there is a lineup of smart home sensors and actuators using the technology. The benefit is not having to run another Hub, if you already have a Fritzbox router. The drawback is that the smarthome devices frequently run the batteries dry to to the energy consumption of the DECT.

The FritzBox uses a challenge/reponse for authentication. I’ve implemented this in my suckless-smarthome scripts:

To get temperature readings we can run:

python3 --action gettemperature --device livingroom-socket

The script will output, for instance

EspHome Refridgerator Sensor

My fridge has a Wemos D1 Mini with temperature sensors connected to it (see Smart Fridge).

Another simple Python script gets temperature readings from it.

python3 --action getvalue --device refridgerator-freezer


VictronOS Photovoltaic System

To get readings from my photovoltaics system I’ve enabled mqtt on the Victron OS.

pip install paho-mqtt

I also have a script that subscribes to the MQTT service, waits for each message to be received and then exits.

python3 --action getinverterpower

yielding for example:


Termux on Phones

With termux, the “Android terminal emulator and Linux environment app”, we can run the same Python scripts on our Android phones.

The termux-widget App makes it possible to run the scripts from a menu directly from the home screen.

The best part is that the phone will directly connect to the respective smart home bridges. There is no single point of failure.

Gnome/Argos on Desktops/Laptops

If you have you have the argos-Extension running on Gnome, you can control your devices directly from it by setting up calls to the Python scripts.

echo "television-off | bash='$SUCKLESS_SMARTHOME/ --action setoff --device Television'"
echo "television-on | bash='$SUCKLESS_SMARTHOME/ --action seton --device Television'"


With all those sensor readings how do we store them, so we can make graphs later on?

For this I’ve installed InfluxDB. A time-series database specifically for sensor values. It seems to be running something similar to MySql with a retention time setting underneath, so you might get waray with just using the MySql we installed earlier.

To install InfluxDB:

sudo apt install influxdb influxdb-client

and then create a database with in

influx -host 'localhost' -port '8086'

create database home

With that setup we can try to write and read values:

curl -i -XPOST http://<rasp pi server ip>:8086/write?db=home --data-binary "test,tag=1 value=91"
curl -i -G 'http://<rasp pi server ip>:8086/query?db=home' --data-urlencode 'q=SELECT * FROM "test"'

Python Scripts for data collection

To write entries to InfluxDB from the Python scripts you can install the influxdb python package

sudo apt install python3-pip
pip install influxdb

if you get an “externally managed” error from pip, at your own risk, you can do

sudo mv /usr/lib/python3.11/EXTERNALLY-MANAGED /usr/lib/python3.11/EXTERNALLY-MANAGED.old

and then simply use the suckless-smarthome script like this:

python3 --action addvalue --device test --value 2

Python Scripts for graphing

With the sensor readings in InfluxDB we can simply query them, put them into pandas data frames and plot them with the script:

python3 --action graph --device test --duration 8h

which will yield

Running this script either by web hook or regularly by crontab and storing the image in web server directory under


with or without an additional *.html page that includes them makes for an easy dashboard on your webserver.

(Optional) Display/Fluxbox/Browser Kiosk-Mode or Conky

If you have display connected to the Raspberry Pi, like I do, then it might make sense to display some of the data on it.

For this you can install Fluxbox, a minimalist desktop environment. It can run shell and Python scripts and display what they return. It even has some basic graphing abilities.

I’ve been running the same conky configuration file on my Raspberry Pi and on my Desktop computers.

Alternatively you can run a browser fullscreen in “kiosk-mode” and point it at the page displaying the graphs. A “meta-refresh” tag in the *.html can make it automatically refresh every few seconds. Or jquery asynchronous JavaScript can update from within the page.

Both is out of scope of this blog post.



I’ve become more and more pragmatic about my home server and smart home system over the years. While things like chat servers, ad-blockers and relevision services have not survived, others like a synchronised calandar and expense tracking have.

For my smart home I use custom Python scripts. The current setup is a lot easier to setup and maintain. There is no need to install large complex “platforms”. If you’re able to do some basic programming, you can write a versatile set of custom python scripts that can do anything within reason for your smart home.

It will consume less resources, require less maintainance and will generally run more reliably.
